30 November 2012

Stormy Day

Last weekend my sisters came for a visit. It was a really nice time filled with shopping, eating and laughing and I was glad they could make it since its not always easy to find a free weekend for a visit. Before they had to leave again on Sunday we decided to go for a walk along the river. I took my camera, hoping I might be able to take some nice shots. The day seemed to be beautiful, crisp and sunny, and it wasn't after we had left the car that we suddenly realised the light breeze from before before had developed into something of a storm. Boy, it was windy! We tried for maybe half an hour to get a picture that was halfway decent and failed miserably. NOT ONE turned out to be normal, we looked like wind-witches on every single one of them. But who needs pictures where you look normal and decent. Funny and witch-like is so much better :)

27 November 2012

Five Things

One of the super-tasty cake pops I got as a surprise gift from a friend this week.

Bunny dance in the University garden.

My favourite cake! I eat it every week on my cake day at the moment. ...

My new mermaid glitter nail-polish. I got it to cheer me up and it really worked a bit.

Ghost of a cat. She visited me in my kitchen last week. 

26 November 2012

Blockhouse Charm

Today the Christmas market started! That made it one of my favourite days of the year! But tonight I actually just went for a quick look after work. The real fun starts on Wednesday, when I meet with my friends for the first mulled wine spree in 2012. But just to know that the market is in town is such a nice feeling. Everything is a little different than usual with all the lights in the trees and the smell of candied almonds and bratwurst in the air.
I really missed the taste of mulled wine  - but that's actually what makes it so special, the fact that you can only drink it one month a year.The first time I got a taste of it this year was two weeks ago when we went to a little blockhouse that has been turned into a miniature Christmas market. It's really a special place and it was so wonderful to see all the lights shimmering in the dark. It sure felt like Santa's little factory. The only thing missing to make it really magical was snow. But I am sure it won't be long now...

Pin of the Day

21 November 2012

A Tribute to....


My favourite colour.

This colour always makes me happy. It's soft and bright, feminine and elegant but at the same time also kind of neutral and sublime. I 've always felt like turquoise is actually a superior and more evolved colour than others (but I guess that's just me.. :)). And ( - and that's quite possible the best bit about it) if you have a tan in summertime and wear turquoise, it also makes your skin look even more tanned! Isn't that the most awesome side-effect you can imagine? So, to honour turquoise, I made this small collage as a beautiful colour inspiration.

16 November 2012

Five Things

Picture of the free seals in San Francisco I took a view years ago. I feel like I can still smell them...

The garden gnome who watches our apple tree. Incidentally he looks exactly like my old Latin teacher.

Cutest little snowball dog from Florence.

Cool office building at the dockside in Münster.

Aren't they adorable? They didn't move one inch while we were watching, all lost in their dreams.


Showcase of a shop in Florence. I think it looks kind of creepy, like a store for little vampire girls...

14 November 2012

Sister Shot

I am home for a view days and just had to take some pictures of my sister and her great new dolman sleeved sweater, which I am incredibly jealous of. When she started to pick up leaves for a DIY project with her students today, I saw my chance, took my camera and just snapped. She is so beautiful and the color combination of the sweater fits her hair perfectly. (And it was on SALE! Argh! I so want it, too!!!)

13 November 2012

Perfect Weekend

Sometimes you have days that are simply pleasant. So was my weekend. I don't know why but every now and then these days just silently sneak their way in between all the hectic and the stress of the daily grind, and I often don't even see them coming. So I was quite surprised when I realized last week that I would have three days off in a row! That never happens! At first I was a bit overwhelmed and did not know what to do with all this free time. It needed to be exploited wisely as it is such a rarity. But the problem kind of solved itself.

Do you know this special weekend feeling on leisurely Saturday mornings? It's something that I usually don't get so often because I work on the weekends and have free on workdays. But this weekend I made up for all the lost Saturdays of the past. 
Friday I only had one Study Group meeting in the morning and - believe it it not - it was really fun. We had a lively discussion about the Civil war in America and actually achieved something. Directly following I had an appointment for a knitting-afternoon with a friend at her place. It was so cozy, we bought cake, made a big pot of coffee and just knitted and talked till it was dark outside.

Another friend came over to my place later that night and we cooked delicious Thai food and little crêpes with apricots and chocolate sauce for dessert, drank wine, talked till late, late in the night and just had a wonderful evening planning what we would bake at our soon to come bake and DIY day. My neighbour's cat joined us for a while with the cooking and she just made my evening. I simply love cats!

The next morning, after a breakfast of delicious little lemon-meringue pies, we met again to go to an exhibition in the local museum showing Chagall's bible illustration. It was one of these crisp and foggy days in autumn when the air is so cold and fresh that you feel more alive than usual and I was so excited for the day. 
The exhibition was as fascinating as anticipated and we spent hours in the museum. Later we went for coffee and cake, discussed the paintings and it was just beautiful to spent this Saturday so leisurely. We met at lot of people, shopping at the farmer's market, drinking coffee and just enjoying their weekend.  I love when you coincidentally meet friends in the city. It makes me feel like I live inside Gilmore Girls, in a small town where people know each other and where you are included in the town life.  
In the afternoon I did a bit of shopping, bought a beautiful dress that was on sale (!), got more cake for later and then spent the rest of the day sprawling at the couch, eating cake, reading the new book I got at the museum and watching crazy stuff on you tube (I have a Dr. Phil addiction at the moment, I just can't help it...). The whole day I had this "I have time and a little bit of money and I can do about anything I would like to do right now and eat as much cake as I want" feeling and it was wonderful :) - I ate cake three times that day and I did not feel guilty for a minute! 
But I have to admit - Sunday I spent at my desk again. To make up for all this leisurely pleasure... After all, as a student you are never really off duty ;)


10 November 2012

Five Things

Beautiful little lanterns which I technically bought for Advent, but they give such a wonderful shimmering light that I use them every day now.

Marzipan Kartoffeln (what's left), my favourite pre-season snack at the moment.

Delicious little Lemon-Meringue Tarts a friend made for me this weekend.

Chagall postcard I bought at the Museum this morning.

Glitter corsage of a dress I considered to wear at my grandparents diamond wedding next week ( I thought the gold-glitter would kind of suit the occasion :) ) but then I dismissed it as it was a bit pricey for me. And maybe it would have been a little over the top anyway. Looked nice, though!