10 October 2012

Cinque Terre

On our trip to Italy we also took some time to visit the beautiful little villages of Cinque Terre.  We stayed in Vernazza for one night and explored the other villages by foot and train the next day. I can honestly say that Cinque Terre is one of the most enchanting places I have ever seen. I am not sure what it is about it but the moment I left the train I felt relaxed and calm. The air was so full of summer and of ocean, it made me want to stay forever.  - We even cooked up a plan on how to do it: I was to sleep in one of the little fishing boats that float on the water in the dockside of Vernazza. And the first fisherman to come in the morning I would marry and then stay forever in Cinque Terre in a little red house, make cake and pizza and look out at the ocean all day long for the rest of my life ....
My beautiful plan shipwrecked because of my white wine overuse that night :) But I still like to think that it could become true one day.

Best is said with pictures.

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